viernes, 15 de enero de 2016


The Technology


     It is defined as the set of knowledge and techniques applied in a logical and orderly, enable humans to modify their material or virtual environment to meet their needs, this is a process that aims to create useful solutions. 

   Technology responds to the desire and will that people have to transform our environment, transform the world around us looking for new and better ways to satisfy our desires.

Their influence in

1-      Everyday life

    The use of technology is increasing day by day, we all depend on technology  and we use various technologies to accomplish specific tasks in our lives. Today we have various in different ways.

   Technology is being implemented in almost every section of  our lives  and business structures.  It does not matter which industry you’re dealing in technology will be of use in a certain manner.  So embracing it and learning how to use technology in what ever we do is very important and recommended.  As the world keeps on developing, technology will be changed, what is working today might not work not be efficient tomorrow. So it is better to stay up-to-date with new emerging technologies and  learn how to embrace and use them in your daily life.

   The technology has been felt in all areas. In our homes we are found in virtually every corner, often without realizing it. We in our homes with microwaves, VCRs, CD, computer, video games and others. These technology products enrich our quality of life.

2- Professional life

In the professional area  found from the already common computer that facilitates and streamlines many tasks, and connects via various programs and systems, and where no one could imagine.

   Use of Technology in Business, today businesses can save money by using technology to perform certain tasks. When you compare the amount of money spent on hiring an individual to perform a certain task and to guarantee delivery on time, it is totally expensive. When it comes to technology a small business can scale out and deliver more with less human resource.

   The technology in the workplace enables companies to expand quickly and efficiently. The business technology such as video conferencing, social networking and virtual office technology to have removed the boundaries of the workplace that once limited the expansion of businesses. Powered for business, companies can target a broad customer base and grow to very high levels.

3- Student life

   Use of technology in education: Today, technology has made a very big change in the education world. With the invention of technological gadgets and mobile apps which helps students learn easily.  Now days you can access a full library via a mobile app on any smart phone or computer. Before inventing this technology, students had to go to physical libraries to get the information they need.

   the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is gadgets, science, invented anything new to the fastest, easiest and best things. But if you talk about technology in education, it refers to any tool used to enhance the learning
process.    The computer will see it as the only indispensable means for technology in education, and not, in addition to this medium that's important, there are other technological resources, such as videos, films, slides, among others, we must take considered and integrated in the learning process.

    Truly fulfilled technology in education, teacher ceases to be the supplier of knowledge and becomes the facilitator of information, completing a learning process.



   Technology has affected all sectors, but some has been in recent years a revolution, in the case of the financial world, communication and education, to name a few.  
   Undoubtedly, technological advances have radically changed our way of thinking, being and living, as well as the environment around us.

    The technology has globalized so much to establish and define the conditions that develop business competitiveness.

MARIA RAMIREZ C.I. 26.961.201